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What Happened To The Escobar's Medellin Cartel ?

Pablo Escobar

The Medellin Cartel was run by one of the most ruthless and popular drug lords of all time Pablo Escobar. Here is what happened to the Cartel of Pablo Escobar after his death in 1993.

The Medellin Cartel was incredibly powerful and highly organized Colombian drug cartel that committed all sorts of crimes and atrocities during its heyday. It can be summed-up in one word "narco-terrorism". The cartel operated from 1972-1993. The operation area of the cartel was widely run in these countries under the Escobar's leadership.

  • Bolivia
  • Panama,
  • Colombia
  • Central America
  • Peru
  • The Bahamas
  • The United States
  • Canada
A small network started in the early 1970s was raking in a $60 million daily in drug profits. Bit unlike its rise the cartel's fall was a gradual affair. A cascade of actions that would lead to the Medellin cartel being devoured by their strongest rival "The Cali Cartel".
Cali cartel members

Remaining Members Of  The Cartel
After Escobar's death different fates had befallen members was now broken up Medellin cartel. By 1993 most members had either been imprisoned or killed by the Colombian national police or by the rivals.

It's widely believed that Los Pepes a group founded by rivals of the Medellin Cartel were instrumental in the assassination of its member while other argue it was political reprisals by the Colombian and United States government not the mere assassinations. But one thing is clear several key members of the Medellin cartel are not alive.
There are however a few key members of the Medellin Cartel alive till this day.

Roberto De Jesus Escobar Gaviria
Roberto De Jesus Escobar Gaviria is brother of the drug lord Pablo Escobar nick named 'El Osito'. He is the former accountant and co-founder of Medellin Cartel. In 1992 for his parts in the operations of the cartel he was sentenced more than 10 years in prision. While in prison he was blinded one eye by a letter bomb sent by ever vengeful rivals Los Pepes.
By 2006 he was a free man.

Jon Jairo Velasquez Vasquez
Another member who survived the fall out of the cartel was Jon Jairo Velasquez Vasquez aka Popeye. He was regarded as Escobar's top hitman. Popeye was a man who did a lot of terrible things in his days running with Medellin Cartel. He's willingly confessed to participating in the assassination of the anti-drug trafficking crusader Luis Carlos Galan in 1989. Personally killing 300 people and ordering the murder of another 3000, he is also involved in dozens of kidnappings, car bombs and bombing of the commercial airliner killing 107 people. 
Yet, after serving 22 yeas in maximum security prison Popeye was once again a free man but just for a short while before his death in 2020.

Dandeny Munoz Mosquera
Danden Munoz Mosquera aka 'La Quica' has also been described as Pablo Escobar's chief assassin. He is believed to be responsible for the death of an unknown number of people with official estimates ranging in the hundreds. He's known to have murdered numbers of the member of Medellin Cartel, the Cali Cartel as well as police officers and government officials.
La Quica was arrested in 1991. Among his convicted crimes, the 1989 bombing of Avianca flight 203 which killed 110 civilians, conspiracy to import and distribute cocaine, substantive importation of cocaine, participating and conspiring to participate in racketeering enterprise and engaging in a continual criminal enterprise.
He was sentenced to 10 life sentences plus 45 years all to be served consecutively.

The Ochoa Brothers
Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez, one of the founding member of Medellin Cartel was once listed amongst the world 20 richest men with the estimated worth of nearly $3 billion. He had surrendered to Columbian authorities in 1991 in exchange of the 5 and half year sentence.
His brother Fabio Ochoa Vasquez who also became billionaire trading drug surrendered together along with his brother in 1991. After his release though he was arrested again in 1999 and accused of contributing knowledge and receiving payments for cocaine shipments. He was extradited to the United States where he was sentenced to 30 years in a U.S federal prison.

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